AuthorBaillie Thornhill

About Sex… being liquid gold, in the right man’s hands


Sex is a potent potion. It lures you in, Dangle’s promises of release Of connection Of substance.You don’t know what you’re missing Until that spark begins to flicker. Provoked. The flames rise within you The roar of fire burnsA raging holeThrough your patience. And the good girl,Dies And from the ashesRises A Siren.With a searing song,Radiant lust appealOozing from her...

About Meditation… and Self-exploration


I grew up with an angelic Mother who exemplified a dedicated meditation practice. Most of what I know about integrating meditation into my daily life is learned from her. I’ve also read oodles of books and have over 550 hours of Certified Yoga Teacher Training.So I guess this post is just the tip of the iceberg… something to wet your palette while I prepare some updated, and improved...

About Breakups… Not leaving hearts broken.


I started it…But who could blame me?One look at that jawlineThe passionate fire in your eyes,Your confidence to Express yourself like a wolf in the wild.Your allure intrigued me.I had to know you.Hear your story.So I reached out.And when I did,You pulled me right in.A super babe, kind and bubbly.A stark contrast to how theyDefined your disposition.They said you’re tough,not to be fucked with.A...

About Love… An open letter to my future partner


We’ve known of each other long before we knew each other. Our souls are aligned and cosmically connected, so when we share the same space and our flesh connects, we will know it was the universe bringing us together for a reason. There will be no denying it nor will we want to, we will be ready. Because I know this to be true, I am happy, patiently waiting for you. You get me. That I am...

Baillie Thornhill

Hello and Welcome!

I'm Baillie, a digital nomad with a passion for travel and adventure. Welcome to my blog!

A bit about me:

I love yoga, dance, surfing, hiking, horseback riding, music and nature. Trying new cuisines and sharing delicious meals with friends is a favourite pastime.

I read alot about business, finance, leadership, spirituality, health and more. I'm also an amateur poet who strives to make sustainable choices that help take care of our planet and communities.

On my blog, you can read my poetry and musings about my travels, as well as my learnings from life, books and courses.

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